SwN Aftercare
Welcome back from the woods and thank you for joining us for your Nightingale adventure. As we shared on the night, this is a space for discovering more about how to continue your nature connection & nature protection journey. It’s a space of support and signposting in response to some of the questions, concerns and motivations that we hope have been provoked in you. Your well-being is as important to us as the well-being of the land we work with. By taking some simple actions, we can make a huge difference and also build a SWN community that can collectively be more powerful than the sum of our parts.
See below for our community check-ins, our advice on protocols that can be easily adopted in your lives, ways you can help the SWN journey to be more impactful and things to join in with throughout the year that you might find interesting. But firstly, if you haven’t already, we would love it if you could fill out our questionnaire and sign our guestbook!
Your Feedback
We're trying to constantly improve and grow our events. Your feedback is so valuable to help us make the biggest impact with this work but most importantly to learn how it has impacted you. If you and your guests could take a few moments to share your insights in our feedback form we would be hugely grateful.
Guest Book
At the end of the season, we (and our Nightingales) love reading your messages! Click an entry to open.
`Add your message
In the box below, please leave a sentence or more that you would like us and future SWN visitors to read on what SWN was for you along with your name and the date you came. Thank you!
Group Photos
Listen to recordings captured at your event and explore the sonic delights of other nights throughout the 2024 season. Available to attendees only (find the password in your follow-up email).
Thank you for getting to this chapter of the journey. Reading this section means you care enough to want to make a difference. This is a growing page where we share simple and profound ways that you can better engage with, and help support, our natural world. Your input is essential here and we would love to have your thoughts on what we should be communicating. Continuing from what was shared around the fire, here are some starting actions we would encourage you to take that will support you to enjoy the nature around you and help improve the biodiversity of this land.
Join a dedicated online SWN community bank swapping party run by Switchit.green! They will be guiding SWN alumni through the very simple process of upgrading your bank. Subscribe to the newsletter to be notified.
WIDENING our reach
The SWN mission aims to grow a diverse and inclusive community of nature appreciators and defenders.
Our vision over the next 5 years is to grow the scope of our artistic and environmental impact to make sure these sell-out shows aren’t only appreciated by the ones who can afford and have the means to access them but also by those whose socio-demographic status has historically excluded them from such opportunities.
Please get in contact if you have connections with musicians, funding partners or audiences that are under-represented at these types of cultural events. We would love to hear from you!
sWN Conservation Days
In January and February, we head back to our Sussex site to do some brush clearance and coppicing work. This free-to-join day with lunch included involves lots of brush cutting and scalloping out overgrown areas making sure the Nightingale's habitat isn’t overgrowing, becoming too tall and ‘leggy’ and thus inhospitable to them when they return in April. This day is for SWN alumni or ticket holders only as we are limited to around 30 people. Information will be shared here and emailed when the next date is confirmed.
"Singing with Nightingales is an adventure you don’t imagine possible in this day and age. But it is possible, and fantastic. So you should all go!"